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Past felony conviction? You can vote.

As of January 1, 2022, Washington automatically restores voting rights to people with past felony convictions immediately after you finish your prison terms. Every citizen out of prison can vote now, even while on community supervision. Thanks to your activism, we have welcomed more than 20,000 voters back into our democracy.

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United for Restoration

Who we are:

The Washington State Voting Rights Restoration Coalition is a community of people and organizations who are seeking justice for our families and neighbors impacted by our criminal justice system. We are a coalition that supports the end to criminal disenfranchisement. Our priorities align with our core values and thus we are committed to supporting legislation that aligns with our collective values of humanity, empowerment, racial equity, inclusion, and a free democracy.


Our Fight

Ending Criminal Disenfranchisement

The right to vote affirms our humanity, our voice, and our identity as Americans. But Washington’s prison system strips thousands of voters of their most fundamental right as citizens. Having strong ties to the community through civic engagement, specifically voting, increases the ability for reintegration, reducing recidivism, and making communities safer. Free The Vote WA is working to restore the right to vote to all incarcerated citizens through legislation.

Voting in Jail

All voters are eligible to vote from jail, but lack access to the internet, mailing services, and other critical voting resources that other citizens enjoy. Moreover, staff in jails and some county elections administrators have historically neglected education and ballot access for people in our jails. As a result, the people who are most impacted by our systems are locked out of a say in the decisions that affect their lives. Free The Vote WA is working with elections officials and our community partners on increasing access to the ballot for incarcerated voters, while also working to pass legislation to support our efforts.


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Free the Vote - Part 1: Register to Vote Online

Free the Vote - Part 1: Register to Vote Online

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Free the Vote - Part 2: Register to Vote by Paper

Free the Vote - Part 2: Register to Vote by Paper

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Free the Vote - Part 3: Meet the Credible Messengers!

Free the Vote - Part 3: Meet the Credible Messengers!

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The Voting Rights Restoration bill has been signed into law! Now, every citizen in Washington will be eligible to vote if they are not currently incarcerated. 


The Latest News

What It Feels Like to Have Your Voting Rights Restored

Alyssa Knight

If You're One of the 20,000 Who Got Their Voice Back, Then Join Me in Registering to Vote

Restoring voting rights is an important step in rehabilitation process

Julian Saucier

When people feel involved in the community, we are better as a community.

Restoration of voting rights will help curb domestic violence

Judy Chen and Kiantha Duncan

We see the right to vote as an expression of our humanity. The value of this expression should not be measured by one’s prior involvement with a criminal legal system that often demonizes victims and perpetrators of crimes.

Voting critical right for those who have left prison

Kim Jennings

Research has shown voting increases connection with community, reducing the risk of recidivism.

I was in prison. This year I’ll vote for the first time in 25 years. Here’s why it matters

Willie Nobles

I was involved with education, liberation and fighting the stigma of incarceration while inside, but wished I could push the line or pick up a sign.

WA Senate must restore voting rights for formerly incarcerated people

Christopher Poulos

A bill before the Legislature would return the right to vote to more than 20,000 Washingtonians living and working throughout the state.

The right to vote helps rehumanize incarcerated people

Kim Bogucki

After 13 years of hearing thousands of answers and forging hundreds of relationships with people with lived experience, the reality cannot be dismissed: the paths that brought these people into the criminal legal system are often rooted in poverty, racism and inequities in housing, healthcare and education.

Why Voting Is So Critical for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated People

Jim Chambers

There’s a lot of remorse I feel for all the people I left behind in prison, and I’m never gonna stop fighting for them.

Washington must allow everyone in the community to vote

Sarah Eichhorn

"Today, the Washingtonians who are most impacted by our criminal legal system are the furthest from the power of our democracy."

Voting Rights Restoration is Critical for Racial Justice

Sedonia Young

Research has shown that when people are civically engaged and have a stake in their community, they are less likely to return to the system.



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